Catheter Care at Home


What is an indwelling catheter?

A catheter is a narrow, flexible tube introduced into the bladder to drain urine. An indwelling catheter is held in place by a small balloon at the tip of the catheter with some of the catheter remaining outside the body.

Urinary catheter care at home is simple and an effective way of allowing your bladder to rest and/or recover before or after surgery. It can be for long term or short-term use.

Catheter bags

A urine bag will be connected to the catheter tubing. A urine bag is a device used to collect and contain urine via the catheter.

Leg bags are attached to the leg during the day with leg straps. The straps are of different lengths; the longer strap fits on the top of the bag to provide optimum support for the leg bag.

Night bags are a larger bag recommended for overnight use for the added capacity, ease of use and to reduce the risk of infection. The night bag connects to the bottom of the leg bag. Remember, never disconnect the leg bag from the catheter. Always connect the night bag to the leg bag outlet tap.

Wearing the leg bag

During the day you will only need to have the Leg bag attached to the catheter.

Leg Bag

Night drainage/overnight bag

To ensure you receive a restful night sleep the leg bag can be attached to a larger overnight drainage system. This bag holds a larger capacity (approx. 2L). The overnight bag is connected into the bottom of the leg bag.

Cleaning the night bag

It is recommended that you use the night bag for 7 days and then change it. You will need to wash and clean your night bag each morning.

Helpful tips

If you experience any of these or have any queries please contact GM Urology on 03 5201 7000 during business hours OR leave a message on the After Hours Urology Paging Service 03 9387 1000