What is a varicocele?
A varicocele is enlargement of the group of veins (called the pampiniform plexus) within the scrotum. These veins drain the blood from the testicles back into the abdomen and can dilate or swell, leading to a cluster of veins that resemble a varicose vein. Varicoceles are more common on the left side due to the anatomy of the veins, but they can occur on either side.
A varicocele is typically diagnosed on clinical examination and ultrasound. Your urologist may have recommended you have a varicocele repair if it is causing you pain or fertility issues.

What are the treatment options for a varicocele?
Varicocele is a common condition and usually does not need to be treated. Your urologist will discuss indications and options for treatment. These include:
- Observation
- Radiological embolization
- Surgical management such as microsurgical varicocele repair